Home Page

Family Photos

Christopher Perry

Mike's Thailand trip 2003

Links to family and Wales

Isabella Mirro

Ice Diving

Masons and Shriners

Perry/Owen Wedding

OWEN Pedigree

Contact Page

Custom3 Page

Custom4 Page


Welcome To My Home Page

Hi my name is Alan Owen, originally from Merthyr Tydfil, left for Canada in 1968. Since 1976 I have lived in London, Canada with my wife Linda.  I have created this site to supply family news and information to my family and friends, wherever they may be.

The photo on the left was taken in Toronto in 1972 at my Scuba Diving Club's Annual Dinner.  There was lots of lobster I think Lin and I ate about 12 each!

Site Updates

12/27/03  Built webpage.

11/8/2005  added pages for our Grandchildren, Christopher and Isabella.



Welcome To My Home Page

Time to change the message.  I want to thank all of you who visit my website, as I have reconnected with some of you.

Unfortunately I removed my Guestbook as there are many deranged idiots out there who were leaving links to their kinky websites. Sorry guys

This webpage gives me something to do and it is fun so please visit often.  Photos will be changed as I find new interesting ones.

Please check out all the photo pages shown on the left



Family Whereabouts


Lin and Alan

Lin and Alan are still living in London.  Lin is working at the hospital call center and Al is working on several computer projects at home and keeping fit.  He recently was installed as Master of his Masonic Lodge and also has joined the Shriners.

Vanessa and Mike

Vanessa and Mike are currently living in Iddyllwild  California, they both work as Associate  archaeologists at Applied

Claire and Ryan

Claire and Ryan have moved to Calgary, Alberta Ryan is  General Manager of a Swiss Chalet restaurant and Claire is looking for a job.

Alicia and John

Alicia and John live in Richmond, just outside of Vancouver.  Alicia is working at a hairdressing salon as a beautician and also at a Vetenarian clinic, while John keeps Air Canada aloft.


Michael is back with us in London and working at the Liquor Control Board wharehouse.

Visit to John and Alicia's in Vancouver (2002)