Old Family Photo's
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 Over the past few months I have been scanning various family photographs in order to preserve the Owen Family history.

Mum and Dad on their wedding day early 40's

Ron & Al late 70's

My Grandfather Bryn WW1 Army photo end right

Dad with little Alan, do not remember what year this was taken

John, Ron & Elaine

Merthyr football match late 40,s. Bryn second row centre and uncle Viv third row second on left

Elaine & Carol 1968

John, Ryan, Claire & Alicia 2002

Our lovely daughters at at home before Vanessa & Mike's wedding

Aunty Pat's wedding to Don, my parents are in the photo

Claire & Ryan Stanly Park 2002

Another Stanley Park photo

Vanessa & Mike 1998 Canadian Wedding day

Claire and Ryan 2000

Our Daughter Vanessa & her Bridesmaids

John & Elijah Wood - FRODO LORD OF THE RINGS

Lin & kids at the beach 1983

Mike & Ness Virginia wedding

Dad's Rugby team at RAF Halton early 40's

Quakers Yard Grammar Under 15's rugby 1959. I'm right end first row, sitting down

My daughter Vanessa with Auntie Pat my Mum, & Uncle Terry

Vanessa cave archeology in Belize late 90's

Claire & Alicia

Hiking in North Wales with Uncle Bri many years ago

My sister Elaine in school 1959

Bryn & Sally my Grandparents Gurnsey late 50's

Claire's Bridesmaids

Me, Mum & Auntie Pat

Lin in THE DRESS! Early-mid 70's

Al & Dai Morgan going out for a pint in 1971