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Links to interesting Welsh sites as well as pages by family members and friends.

Owain Glyndwr

Learn more about this famous Welsh Prince at

Step 1 select biographies

Step 2 select Owain Glyndwr


Search Engines
AltaVista You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

Favorite Sites
Old Merthyr Tydfil Page

Various photos of Merthyr Tydfil and School pages

Interesting historic info on Wales


Good info about Dylan Thomas Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
WELSH EX-PATS Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Richard Trevethic

200 Years ago the World's first steam locomotive was designes and built in Merthyr Tydfil by Richard Trevethic

Welsh connection to America

Take a look at the Welsh contribution to the building of America and see what famous Americans have Welsh ancestors


Interesting information on Celtic Wales and other facts

My Brother-in law's site

Take a look at John's site, he has a link to the Jones family websie which is quite interesting.  Jones being such an uncommon name in Wales!


This is a link to the ARCHEOLOGY site in Belize where Vanessa and Michael met eight or nine years ago.